The New Richmond Preservation Society, Inc. was chartered in 1982 to preserve the history of the City of New Richmond and surrounding area. The Society owns and operates the Heritage Center. A generous group of volunteers and a caring community have nurtured this museum into a vibrant gem right at the heart of New Richmond. Each year the Center welcomes more than 4,000 visitors through our free field trips for school aged kids, free live music series each summer, free tours, and more!
The upkeep of the grounds and buildings are paid for through flea market sales, memberships and donations.
We welcome you to join the team of history preservers!
How To Donate:
There are several ways for you to support the Heritage Center!
Memberships: An annual pledge of monetary donation. Joining is easy and open to everyone! We offer several supporting levels to match what works best for you. Memberships also include: Heritage Center Newsletter mailed to you, Free admission for tours, and Discounts on programs and classes.
Flea Market in the Barn:We have an amazing group of hardworking volunteers who support the Center through flea market sales in our historic barn. You can support too through donations of gently used items or shopping for treasures!
**Please note there are no sales during winter months. Donations can be made by appointment by calling 715-246-3276.
Cash Donations: To make a direct, cash contribution online please click the "donate" button below. Follow the instructions using your bank account, debit or credit card. You may choose the amount you wish to gift and the source of that gift. In the "note" section please indicate any special information regarding your gift such as "General Donation", or "In Memory of (Name)" or "In Honor of (event or name)" etc.
Paypal is a secure on-line payment feature. Cash donations are always accepted at the office during business hours.
On behalf of all of the present and future residents and visitors who will be able to visit, admire, touch and love our old buildings in the decades to come, we thank you!
New! Sponsorship Program
Sponorships support SPECIFIC BUILDINGS to keep our buildings preserved for visitors to enjoy today and in the future. By helping to offset the cost of preservation, free programming and exhibits can continue for the thousands who visit each year! This donation will be acknowledged in the printed and virtual materials associated with the building you choose and the Center as a whole. These donations are also considered tax deductible, as allowed by law. Additionally, a tasteful plaque thanking your business is placed at the entrance of your chosen building. Please note: only one business per building.